“Going green” has become immensely popular over the last few years, from celebrity endorsements to trendy shopping accessories to the realization that a little more eco-consciousness on everyone’s part actually can help the future of our planet. We are slowly evolving into a more earth-friendly society.

Gannon has been doing its part to help mother earth by continuing its recycling program and by adding new elements each year.

The custodial staff is currently working on researching ways to use food and gardening waste to fertilize campus greenery.

Gary Garnic, associate vice president of campus services, said the university recycles 716 cubic yards of material each year – enough to fill the power room in the Waldron Campus Center to a depth slightly of more than five feet or to fill more than 100 dump trucks.

Over the next several weeks, Edge will be showing you the steps Gannon has been taking to go green. And don’t forget to check back for tips on how you can do your part to living green as well.

#1: The Campus Greening Committee

Started by Gretchen Fairley, director or the Service-Learning office, the committee is now run by Kelley Zophy, instructional designer at Gannon’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

“The committee was formed to help develop an awareness of green issues within the Gannon community, and to present ideas that are both environmentally and economically advantageous to the university,” Zophy said in an interview with Gannon Magazine.

You can read more about the Campus Greening Committee on page 19 of Gannon Magazine’s issue from spring 2009.

#2: Environmental Science Program

Gannon allows students to learn more about nature and how to work towards solutions in pollution control, water quality control and other environmentally-conscious fields. Environmental scientists learn to make improvements by working with environmental consulting firms, industrial companies, health and safety and government agencies. Click here to check out the program’s home on the Web, or check out the video below on Environmental Science and Engineering from Gannon’s YouTube channel.