It’s great to be home in Pittsburgh for the summer. Though I’ve only been home for a short while, summer has gotten off to a great start.  As your school year comes to an end, I’m sure you’re also ready to take a break from your school work for a few months.

Even though I’m done with school for the year, the work still continues. I haven’t started my summer job yet, but I’m working on organizing all of my classes for my semester in Paris.

While I’m abroad, I will be taking classes at the University of Paris, also known as La Sorbonne. I’m going to be taking classes about French, in French, which is both exciting and intimidating. I’m spending a lot of my free time this summer brushing up on my French skills and re-learning words and phrases that I’ve forgotten.

I’ve been in French classes since I was 12 years old. As I got into my high school French classes and learned more about the culture and history of France, I realized that I would have to make it a priority while in college to study abroad in France.

When you take courses in any language here at Gannon, your professors make sure you know about the opportunities to spend a summer, a semester or even a year in another country. Often, people from study abroad agencies or other students who have studied abroad come into your language classes to talk about their experiences. While I was listening to these speakers, I realized that going to France was a real possibility for me and I started researching.

I’m so excited for my time abroad — it’s going to be an amazing experience. Though I’m a little nervous about being halfway around the world and practically alone, I cannot wait to see France and maybe some other countries for myself. So, I’ll continue to work hard and prepare as best I can so that I can have a successful fall semester before I explore “across the pond.”

I hope you have a fabulous summer!

Talk to you soon,


Interested in learning more about international business? Check out this post by Carly Lyons.