Alexander Graham Bell once said, “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” During your college career, you will face challenges both inside and outside the classroom that you may not ever had to deal with before. The only thing you can do to avoid problems is to prepare yourself for everything as well as you can. Sometimes this means studying more, or in a different way, or it means getting help if you realize you need it. Luckily for you, here at Gannon the Student Success Center is here to help.
Located on the first floor of the Palumbo Academic Center, the Student Success Center is comprised of a few different offices, which are all focused on helping students do their best. There are tutors for all subjects, career counselors and many other ways for you to receive assistance.
Tutoring is a great way to reinforce or relearn something that was taught in class. Fellow students who have a better grasp on your problem topic can sit down with you one-on-one, and explain anything from algebra to statistics, either online or in the Mathematics Center.
Writing tutors are available to look over any papers you might have due at any stage of the writing process. You can ask questions about editing, developing a strong thesis and organizing your paper to make your thoughts clear. All the writing tutors are affiliated with Gannon’s English department, so they have a firm grasp on what you need in order to craft a quality paper. Peer tutors are also available in a variety of other topics. You can receive private help or in a group setting with other people who might have similar problems with a subject.
If public speaking is your problem area, there is a special part of the Student Success Center for you. The Speech Communication Center can help you devise an outline, and practice the areas you might have trouble with during an actual presentation, such as sticking to a time limit or being aware of the speed at which you speak. Tutors in this area can also show you how to use visual aids appropriately, increase your confidence and overcome speech anxiety. They want you to be able to represent yourself as clearly as you can, and are experienced public speakers themselves.
For many students in several majors, an internship is required to graduate. But don’t worry; you don’t have to find it on your own! The Center for Experiential Education can help prepare you for placement, and assist in securing position in your field for you. They will even help edit your résumé properly and practice interview skills. What is unique about the Student Success Center is, even after graduation the services of this office and the Career Development and Employment Services Office are still at your disposal. You can get help with anything from finding a job to applying to graduate school.
Success is built on a foundation of hard work—but not all of it has to be difficult. People are here to help you help yourself, and prepare you for a bright future!