This will be the last update from team Detroit!

Hi, my name is Ha, one of the other team leaders and I will be sharing the last highlights from Friday and Saturday. 

On Friday morning, we did the usual service at Earthworks – sifting compost and preparing beds. After lunch at the Capuchin Soup Kitchen with their enormous portions, Wendy sat us down for a talk. From the remaining history questions of Detroit to what we have learned throughout our trip, we talked for two hours. In the evening, we went to the American Moslem Society – one of oldest mosques operating. We had a quick tour of where Muslims pray by Mosad’s son – Mohammed. Then we had dinner with brother Nicolas and his family and talked about Islam – Muslims, the Mosque, the culture and religious differences, etc. At 8:43, we went to their sunset praying. Men and women are separated. The ceremony lasted around 15 minutes with 3 verses of the Quran. We came back down, talk some more about the ceremony and the Quran. Due to exhaustion from working all week and time, we ended the night after the drive back.

Saturday morning, we woke up earlier to go to Eastern Market. Mama Diane said her last goodbye with a big hug, a jug of burdock tea, and peppermint tea for everyone. We arrived at the Eastern Market around 8, everyone had breakfast at a small hand-pie stall. Some even got some gifts like popcorn, honey, spices, rhubarb and strawberries. We did our last reflection on the van back and it was a long ride.

I am glad to say that our team loves the experience. Thank you team Detroit: our accompanies – Nora and Leigh, my co-leader – Mia, and Adam, Tim, Breanne, Christina, Chace and Mike.