Straight Talk About PR: Introduction

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Hey blog readers, welcome back to another P.P. update! Last week was such a stressful week for me, and all of a sudden I remember what it was like to be a freshman and four-week grades were coming out. This was the final week before those were due, and the majority of my classes had […]

Tee Goes Print!

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Going through college as a public relations and advertising communication major, I have taken the time to identify my weaknesses. One of these is the mechanics of my writing. I personally love to write and have a lot of content ideas that I am passionate about, but my grammar could improve. With that being known, […]

The First Step to Becoming an NFL Publicist

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Hello everyone! Welcome to my first written post to my blog. Today was the day I started my new job at the Gannon Edge. This job is a work-study through Gannon University that will be a resource more like a laboratory to pour out my creative ideas. I believe this will allow good creative content […]