Creative Writing: Closure

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Though I am an English major, creative writing has not always been my area of expertise. I’m not terrible at it but I struggle to create stories and when I start, I always run out of “juice.” However, every now and then inspiration comes to me. In this case, it came to me in a […]

I never thought Mariah Carey would ruin my Thanksgiving.

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When I am home from school, I spend a lot more time on social media than usual. So over Thanksgiving break, I was constantly checking my Instagram feed and tweeting my every thought. I also tweet every stupid comment I think of because, well, I think I am funny. And through this bad habit, I […]

I Never Thought I Would Go To College

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I never thought I would go to college. In ninth grade, I was told that Shaler Area High School was no longer requiring students to complete a senior project. For an instant, I was thrilled. Then, I was told that I would have to take a series of tests, shadow someone in the field I […]

I NEVER Thought My Mom Would Have Cancer

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Growing up, I was taught that cancer is a terrible killer but I NEVER thought it would come for someone I love. One day, during my last year of high school, I was sitting at my dining room table where I did my homework every day after school. Some days, I had to be quick […]

I NEVER Thought I Would See My Favorite Musician Live

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I NEVER thought I would see my favorite musician perform live. In 2013, I was a junior in high school.  I had spent the previous few years absolutely enamored by Ed Sheeran. Reading that now, it’s easy to think, “yeah okay, cool Maria. Who ISN’T?” But that is not the point. The point is: I […]

I NEVER Thought I Would Be a Big Sister.

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Hello, my name is Maria Hays. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I grew up in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on a street where all of the neighborhood kids would meet up to play Release, Capture the Flag, and explore in the woods between our houses and the next neighborhood over. […]