And Then It Was Now: Edge

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Hello! It has been quite a while since I’ve written a blog post, but I figured it’s time to check back in. If you’re reading this, thank you for supporting student writers and creators! I would also like to thank Gannon for understanding the importance of giving students a creative platform and helping Edge to […]

And Then It Was Now: Dear Future Me

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Dear future me, Do you remember writing this blog? On December 2nd of 2016, I released my debut album titled Dear Future Me. You can find it on if you are interested in giving it a listen! It currently has over 1,000 plays on bandcamp and a very generous review from the Erie Reader. So […]

And Then It Was Now: Your Opinions Matter!

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Have you ever disagreed with something somebody said? Well, of course you have. There are so many opposing viewpoints on nearly every topic that exists. Some people, believe it or not, even disagreed with Newton’s law of gravity. However, I imagine that those same people were also fundamentally against floating into space. My point is […]

And Then It Was Now

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Sometimes, life goes by so fast that you have to recap your week just to make sense of it. I find that I am so busy that I forget everything that I did and don’t give myself enough credit for my accomplishments throughout the week. Also, I feel like recording the things I check off […]

And Then It Was Now – Commuter Life (and Free Pizza)

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In October, the commuter life organization hosted a “How’s It Going?” lunch for the freshmen commuters to gauge their experiences at Gannon up to this point. If you are anything like me, you’re probably asking yourself, “Would college students really be able to take time out of their busy class schedules to attend something like […]