Caonabo Camilo is a senior Psychology major passionate about advocacy and community outreach. On campus, Camilo is exploring their passions and helping fellow Knights find resources and community as a president of the LGBTQA+ club – The Queer Collective. Part of their role as a president of the club is to help foster welcoming spaces and curate a support system. Watch a full video of the conversation we had with Caonabo on this week’s “Meet A Golden Knight” series.
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My name is Carine Munezero Uwase, I am from Rwanda. I am currently majoring in computer science and software engineering with a minor in Innovation and creativity at Gannon University. I am interested in everything related to modern technology and my career goal is to work as a product manager at a big tech company.
Apart from working as an integrated marketing influencer, I am actively involved on campus. I am a student leader of campus ministry; I lead 'smoothing the soul' a meditation group; I was elected to become a class representative in Student Government Association. I am also on the school Advising committee of Technology .
Working for edge Magazine has been an awesome experience so far and I am excited to leverage all the opportunities it offers. It is always rewarding to create engaging contents for our audience. My goal is show you the authentic student experience here at Gannon.