Hi everyone, it’s Tim for Day 4 of the Detroit ABST! Today we were back at Earthworks only to encounter a bit of rain! We divided into two groups- one went to the hoop house to do some raking, weeding, and harvesting and the other went to the greenhouse. At the greenhouse I helped with a few other volunteers to load a truck with small plants, mainly basil, tomatoes, and parsley. These plants will be going to a nonprofit that operates a subscription service to provide Detroit residents with their own gardens! Oh, and me and a few others from the group got to take a few plants home!

For lunch at the soup kitchen we had an amazing meal of chicken and waffles (ten out of ten!) We went back to work in the fields where we again divided into two groups. I decided to try my hand at sifting compost and may have *accidentally* gotten some on Christina. 

Back at Ohana Gardens, we got ready for a class on growing mushrooms. We helped teach some kids from the local community. Mike was such a great dad! Afterwards we had a giant dinner party and enjoyed some delicious veggie burgers!