Breathing: The Bus

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No one really prepares you for the world of public transportation, which is understandable because not everyone needs to ride the bus. However, for those who have no other means of shipment, the bus can sometimes be a roller-coaster. It’s basically a mix of all the people you otherwise wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t […]

Breathing: Full Breakfast

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The theory behind breakfast being the most important meal of the day is often disputed, as each of our bodies is different in its own way. However, it is the first meal of the day so depending on your lifestyle, it may be helpful to make that first meal count. According to an article written […]

Breathing: Balance

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I remember feeling pretty bored one day, so I packed my book bag with some water and a phone charger, then hopped on my bike. It was a weekday in the Summer of June 2018, and the temperature was comfortably warm. I didn’t really know where I wanted to go or how far I wanted […]

Breathing: Anyone Can Travel

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Staying focused on your coursework is essential to being successful in college, and there’s no arguing that. However, I think it’s important to change your scenery every now and then, because staying in one place for long periods of time can become tense. I’ve seen too many people get discouraged by college because they just […]

Breathing: London, U.K.

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  I think we often take this life for granted, which is why I woke up one morning and told myself I was leaving the country. At first I was planning on just really going for it, and by that I mean doing the trip solo, but as time went on I figured it would […]

Breathing: Finding an Outlet

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Part of what makes us human is our desire to create, and when it comes to breathing – woodworking helps alleviate my stress and free my mind. In contrast to my life at college, I enjoy woodworking because it serves as a way to channel my negative thoughts into something tangible. Often times I’ll get […]

The Grip of Breathing

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Illustrated by: Christian Colton (@christian_colton)   It’s something we do every day. Seldom do we realize how quickly it can stop. It’s the reason we choose to be athletes or artists. It’s the reason we build, fight, destroy and love. It’s what helps us sing a song or yell at someone. It’s the reason dictators rise […]

Breathing: Introduction

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Illustrated by: Christian Colton (@christian_colton)   My name is Rick Chernicky and this is a brief story of how I grew up in a small town. You’re probably wondering how this relates to breathing, so just hang tight for a second. I was raised in a ranch style home with ten acres of land, and farms […]