Dating back to their construction in 1924, Kenilworth Apartments have been a cornerstone on West 6th Street. Purchased by Gannon in 1981, Kenilworth houses 120 students in units that accommodate two to five people.

Why is it called Kenilworth? University archives hold no record of who built Kenilworth, only when it was built and purchased. And according to the Erie Historical Society, no one with the surname “Kenilworth” lived in the city at the time of its construction.

My theory is that Kenilworth’s architect was influenced by Kenilworth Castle, whose remnants reside in Warwickshire,

England. The castle was built in a U-shape, just as Kenilworth apartments are. The two buildings also share some architectural features.

Is it possible that current Gannon Knights spend their nights in a reconstructed form of an English castle? It’s a mystery we may never figure out.


Gannon A to Z: J is for Jesus