The world is a beautiful place. It can be an easy escape from the stress of school, the weight of a job, or the usual struggles of life. Nonetheless, it can still be difficult trying to get your creative groove flowing. If you’ve been feeling a little uninspired recently, these ideas may help you find some inspiration!

  • Nature- Change up your environment a bit! Either taking a stroll along the beach or practicing some yoga in a park, it’s always good to try new scenery. Notice the sights, sounds, and even smells that surround you. It can be refreshing.
  • Architecture- Sometimes unique structures and buildings inspire creative ideas. Borrow from the architecture, and apply the shadows and color schemes to your creative direction. It not only influences your own work but also the work of those around you.
  • Yourself- Why are you having a tough time expressing yourself? Find the true root of your struggles and turn it into something creative. Rather than brooding and letting negative emotions get the better of you, transform it into something else.