The purpose of doing the Greek Spotlight Series is to show all of the positive aspects of the sororities and fraternities here on Gannon’s campus. With so many fantastic young men and women, there are a lot of people to talk about.

This week, we meet Nicholas Frisina. Nicholas is a member of the Gamma Rho chapter of Delta Sigma Phi here at Gannon University. Nicholas is currently an English major on track to graduate in 2021. He has been a member since the Spring of 2018. Since joining Delta Sigma Phi, Nicholas has gotten involved in his fraternity. He is currently the Public Relations Chair as well as the Alumni Relations Chair. He also serves on the recruitment committee, constitution revisions committee and pyramid of excellence committee.

I asked Nicholas about how being in his fraternity has helped him grow, to which he replied, “I have really stepped out of my comfort zone since joining my fraternity. I have gotten involved with IFC, serving as the VP of Judicial Affairs last semester and now serving as the VP of Community Engagement. Being in a fraternity has pushed me to take those kind of leadership positions. I have also been involved in many service opportunities through my fraternity, I helped put up dry wall at Gannon’s St. Joseph House and have cleaned up neighborhoods with after school children at the Neighborhood Art House.”

He also was open about how his brothers have helped him throughout college so far, saying, “I started off as an undecided health science major and after many conversations with some of my brothers, they helped me realize that I should switch my major to English.”

Nicholas also shared some of the great charity work that his fraternity has been doing recently. He said, “Our fraternity had two brothers, Charlie Meyers and Zach VanGorder, bring the B+ foundation to our campus.” For those that do not know, the B+ Foundation is an charity for children with cancer. They aim to raise money to help assist families with hospital bills, cancer research and awareness. Nicholas continued, “They raised $6,000 for childhood cancer research. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) executive board is also made up of all Delta Sigma Phi brother. In addition to this, our fraternity hosted a 3-on-3 basketball tournament this semester where we raised $140 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.”

Thank you so much for telling me all about you and the brothers of Delta Sigma Phi, Nicholas! Be sure to check back in two weeks, on Friday, February 22nd, for another article highlighting one of the great sororities on campus!