The era of negativity is innately over, and now we welcome positivity.

It felt like this past year dragged on forever; at times it felt as though there was no light at the end of the tunnel. So, I’m going to share some simple tricks to help you be a little more positive!

We all know the winter season can be a bit much sometimes. Extensive snow keeps you trapped inside, the overly hot cocoa burns your tongue, and my personal favorite, the desperate need for the perfect ugly/holiday sweater.

If any of these things are bumming you out, I suggest following these three steps.

First, find a positive viewpoint in any negative situation. I know it is easier said than done, but to always view life through negative lenses creates negative outcomes. Life can be hard, but if you are always willing to accept the worst, then that is what will continue. To break the cycle, try to find the positive side of things. The grass is always greener on the other side, so why not try to see if positivity is greener?

The second nugget of advice is to not let little fears hold you back from accomplishing what you want. Oftentimes you can be your biggest obstacle. To overcome this, you must not allow your fears to stop you from striving toward your goals and aspirations.

The third and most important piece of advice in my opinion is to add some positivity to someone else’s life. Boosting someone’s mood or even just volunteering 10 minutes of your time is a step in the right direction. Taking the initiative to brighten another person’s day can be the best remedy to cure negativity. Knowing that you went out of your way to bring joy to someone or that you were there for a individual can sometimes be just what the doctor ordered.

Take it from me – you can never completely rid your life of all negativity, but you can choose a more positive method of handling it. Negativity will always be lurking around the corner, but to combat it, try and think positive. All it takes is for you to find the value in positivity.