In my brief time on campus, I’ve noticed that the average student’s assessment of SGA (Student Government Association) is often one of confusion. Typically, when I ask students on campus what SGA does, the response is “I’m not sure.”
In an effort to increase campus-wide awareness of what’s going on, I’ve decided to start visiting our friends over at SGA and report for Edge on their weekly activities. Hopefully, with the introduction of GA (general assembly) reporting, Edge can spread the knowledge of the activities that SGA is performing.
Future meetings for SGA will occur on February 21st, March 14th, April 4th, 18th and 25th. All these meetings take place in Waldron 219, begin at 7:30pm, and are open to the public.
Today’s meeting, starting at 6:30pm, includes a visit from Gannon University President Dr. Taylor’s staff, who will talk with SGA about the budget. The regular SGA meeting will begin right after. According to the current SGA President, Angela Coustillac, some key issues that will be discussed at SGA meetings in the coming weeks include: Safety, Crosswalk on 8th street and the city’s involvement, and the renovation plan for Carnival Recreation Center. Angela specifically mentioned to me that SGA has been reviewing plans for the Rec Center, and there will be a Feb 15-16 Board of Trustee meeting to determine the outcome of that plan.
If you have specific questions you’d like me to address, feel free to email me at Hopefully, we can foster the growth of dialogue between the students and SGA. You can also follow along during the meeting on Twitter (@GannonEdgeLive).
UPDATED (2/1/13):
Here’s the transcript from last night’s meeting. Feel free to Tweet at us (@GannonEdge) with your input! [View the story “Gannon SGA General Assembly – January 31, 2013”]