‘Allison’s Hour’

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To kick off my last semester on campus, I’ve begun rehearsing for the Schuster Theatre’s production of “The Children’s Hour.” The play focuses on a trouble-making student who makes an accusation against two female teachers at an all-girl school. I have also started an internship at the Erie Playhouse working as a marketing and education assistant. […]

Tales from Edge: Secret Santa

1852 Views 0 Comment
The Edgers take some time to enjoy the holidays with a secret Santa gift exchange, but the mastermind behind it all has different plans. [youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQtmZetkvYc”]

12 Days of Christmas at Gannon University

1899 Views 0 Comment
Since we’re looking past finals week toward Christmas, and in honor of 12/12/12, take a break from studying and enjoy Edge’s own “12 Days of Christmas,” featuring an array of GU students, faculty and staff (and of course, Victor E. Knight!). Who knew the Edge staff could sing?! Well, sorta… Produced by Keefer Kopco, multimedia […]

Tales from Edge: The Mystery of the Mailroom

1966 Views 0 Comment
The Edge staffers take a journey to the other side of the building and find a mysterious mail room with packages for editors of old, but something else is lurking behind the boxes. [youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5acsgnPKPxc&feature=plcp”]

Full tuition in 60 seconds?

1781 Views 0 Comment
Are you interested in winning a full tuition scholarship? Who wouldn’t be?! Check out this Edge :60 to learn how you could win, and submit your application to Gannon by December 15, 2012 to see if you qualify.   [youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbLVhTlbxDQ&feature=plcp”]

Tales from Edge: The office is haunted(?!)

1591 Views 0 Comment
Allison and Matt stay late in the Edge office despite the warnings of their co-workers. They soon regret it when a ghostly guest comes to visit… [youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEXZix_YQmc&feature=plcp”]

60 seconds about Erie's 10th bishop

1778 Views 0 Comment
The Erie Diocese has ordained Lawrence Persico as its new bishop, succeeding Bishop Donald W. Trautman, who retired earlier this year. Here’s Allison Kessler with some more news about this historic event.   [youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21ZdiWDRYt8&feature=g-u-u”]

Backstage and on-stage adventures

1828 Views 0 Comment
1. To create the look of stained glass windows for the Schuster Theatre’s production “Lives of the Saints,” the crew and I used shower liners and paint.  2 & 3. Over fall break, I went with students from the theatre and English departments to Staunton, Va. to visit the American Shakespeare Center. We saw five […]

@ GU: October brings fall fun to campus

1626 Views 0 Comment
As the seasons start to change, activities start to pick up on campus. Here’s a look at what’s happening this month   [youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzp3XcdBCM8&list=UU6rnaVHPKu4f1d_dQyxHkyw&index=1&feature=plpp_video”]

My life is more interesting in pictures

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Sometimes, words just aren’t enough to describe certain experiences. In her newly redesigned blog, assistant multimedia editor Allison Kessler offers you an inside look at life on campus.