One Show in One Day

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The creation of a full-fledged production can range from weeks to years for professionals. Managing to make one in a 24-hour time period isn’t necessarily what anyone would call an easy feat. It’s long and strenuous 24 straight hours where naps don’t really accomplish much more than making you cranky when waking up after only […]

[Redacted]: Choose your own adventure

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I have been living in Erie for more than 20 years, and in that time I’ve endured bitter winters, disappointing summers and countless missed buses. I’m sure I’ll devote an entire post to the glories of “the e” another day. I love Erie. Sure, all of these specific instances make it seem like Erie is […]

Student Takes a Stab at Hands-On Nursing

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We are six weeks into the semester and it is going by so quickly I can’t believe it (but I say that a lot.)  I am really enjoying my clinical rotations this semester, more than I thought that I would, and of course I am learning so much. We have a lot more freedom this […]