Finding the right college (and major) for you

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As someone who never had it all figured out, I was daunted by the whole college search process. It’s hard to balance picking a major while finding a school you like with the right program. Just when you think you’ve found the right school, you realize it doesn’t offer the major you want. Then you […]

High School Mascot Mayhem: And the winner is…

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After weeks of voting and hundreds of votes cast, Edge’s High School Mascot Mayhem has a winner! Over the past five weeks, 32 schools competed in tournament-style voting. The winners of each round advanced to the next until only one school was left standing. The winning school will get the VIP status from Gannon (check […]

Enrollment Advisor: Enjoy (Don’t Dread) Your College Search

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In the world of college admissions, it’s travel season! This time of year, counselors across the country are packing suitcases full of college materials to share with you, the high school student, at college fairs and at high schools themselves. I’m sure it can be aggravating, stressful, overwhelming (you pick the adjective) as you try […]