Post Thesis Thoughts/How I Prepare for Public Speaking

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I did it. I wrote it. I presented it. I defended it. I am done. If you have read some of my previous articles, you probably know that I wrote my theater thesis on Star Wars and Aristotle’s elements of drama. It was a long task-heavy process, but I did it. Looking back on the […]

White Snake: (One of) My Last Shows at Gannon

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I cannot say this is my last show at Gannon as a student as I will be here for an extra semester, but this is one of them (depending on how hectic student teaching is). This semester, I was an acolyte and in the ensemble for Mary Zimmerman’s “White Snake.” This was the show where my […]

Theater Opportunities in Erie for College Students

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When I was in high school I came up with the brilliant idea of double majoring in Middle Level Education and Theater. When searching for schools, I wanted to find a school which had a lot of theater opportunities. On Gannon’s website, it said that there were a ton of theater opportunities in the Erie […]

My Two Heads Come Together: Part 1

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Last semester, I took a class called Expressive Arts. It is a class for education majors where you learn how to include various art forms in your classroom. As a someone who is both an education major and a theater major, I realized that Expressive Arts would be the perfect class for me because it […]

Field Trips at Field Work

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Every education major at Gannon has to do field placements where they go into a classroom at a nearby school to observe teachers, interact with students and learn more about the field of education. Usually, field placements are tied in with education classes. This semester, I am taking Concepts of Natural Science, which is a […]

What This Education Major Learned From Taking Calculus Over The Summer

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Being a double major in Middle Level Education and Theater, I take classes over the summer so I can come as close to graduating on time as possible. As of Spring 2016, I still had one math class left – a class that many other education majors have said is ridiculously hard. I started looking for an alternative. After […]