Working on the edge

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Walking across campus as a senior is an interesting thing. No matter where you go, it’s sure to stir up some memory somewhere. Four years is a relatively short time, but the amount of memorable moments crammed in there is daunting. Every landmark has a fuzzy overlay of some crazy thing you did. As my […]

A letter to my freshman self

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Dear college freshman me,   Hey, you, congratulations on graduating and starting college. Hard to believe where the last four years have gone, right? I know that feeling; I’m experiencing it right now. Friends are out and I’m sitting at home, being pensive and writing this letter and doing the homework that you waited until […]

The big lesson: Learning to fail

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When I stepped onto campus four years ago, I had no idea what would come of my time at Gannon. I had no idea who I would become, who I would meet, what I would do here. I was nervous and excited, but ready to start on this grand adventure. Now, I look back at […]