11 Things You Realize Going into Your Senior Year

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It feels as though just last year I was a freshman in college. I wish that I could say that I was better prepared for how quickly these few years were going to move by but in truth I wasn’t. Just like all good things, college too must come to an end. As I approach […]

Gannon Alumni Association welcomes class of 2015

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On behalf of the Gannon University Alumni Association, I would like to thank the editorial staff of The Gannon Knight for providing us with valuable space in their newspaper each month to communicate with our future alumni. I found myself at an event last week (not accidentally) with fellow Gannon alumni and high school seniors in […]

Realizing endless possibilities after graduation

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As I sit here in my office at Villa Maria Elementary School on the old Villa Maria College campus, it’s hard not to reflect on the road (both literal and figurative) between here and Gannon.  I graduated from Gannon with a bachelor’s degree in 2004 and a master’s in 2010, diplomas which proudly hang on […]