I Write Words: Me & Morrissey

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Each morning before class, I make sure my iPod is fully charged in preparation for my morning walk to Palumbo. The soundtrack changes but the sentiment stays the same; from The National to Drake and everything in between, I often have a very specific slew of songs to fit my mood or the season. Given […]

The scaredy-cat’s haunted house survival guide

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Halloween is just around the corner, and with that comes an inevitable and unnecessary evil: haunted houses. If you’re anything like me, well, you’re a coward – and that’s okay! Who wants to pay money to shuffle through a dark, musty basement and maybe have a heart attack? Have no fear, fellow scaredy-cats, as I’ve […]

RUNDOWN: Decorate a mug and dance through the ‘knight’

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Monday, Oct. 20: If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the clutter on your computer’s desktop – yes, I’m referencing those photos from 2009 – it’s time to get organized. Today is Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day! Tuesday, Oct. 21: The “sophomore slump” is real. Find out ways to combat it by attending an informational meeting held […]