How to survive the “illderness”

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“Uh-sneeze-cough-hhhhh.” Ah, the all too familiar scene of the “illderness.” No, not the wilderness, the “illderness” – the landscape of tissues, propped pillows and empty bowls of chicken noodle soup that a bedroom becomes when the ill inhabit it. From the age of learning to speak until 18 years-of-age, this call usually brings a parent […]

Mama, I’m a big girl now!

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There are certain rites of passage one must complete in their first year of college, like pulling an all-nighter before an 8 a.m. exam and getting locked out of your dorm room after taking a shower. I managed to accomplish one of the more lofty achievements: getting sick and not having your mother available to […]

J-School Cool: “Back” in Shape After Health Center Visit

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Last night, I was all wrapped up in pounding out a research paper at my dining room table. When I stood up to get my late-night comfort food (chips and salsa, but of course), I felt a sharp pain – and it wasn’t the “boy, am I ready to be done with this paper” kind. […]