Keeping it upperclassy

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You’re a wide-eyed freshman, sitting in the first introductory class that pertains to your major. The professor prattles off information about your future career, including classes you’ll eventually take as an upperclassman. The professor then comments about the upperclassmen and their work ethic. To you, they seem so determined, focused and passionate about their field […]

Prepping for my (awkward?) junior year

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There’s an awkward time in every part of life. For my college experience, it definitely has to be my junior year. Watch my vlog to see what I’ve noticed and how I prepare to fight off the awkwardness and have a great junior year at Gannon University. – Keefer [youtube_sc url=””]

Don't worry, college won't eat you

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It’s hard to believe I’m going to be starting my third year of college by the end of this summer. I still remember the day that I left high school and my home to come to Gannon. I remember how I thought that college was going to be terrible and I wouldn’t make any friends […]

College Search 101: New Year, New Phase of the Journey

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Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s already 2011? Well, I hope you all enjoyed your new years celebrations and are ready to jump back into the second half of the school year. The spring semester always tends to speed by, so the first few days of the New Year present a perfect time to […]