Top 10 of 2016

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2017 is only hours away, time to take a look at the year that was – and the top ten Edge Magazine posts of 2016! 10. Gannon Goes to Cedar Point! Gannon goes to Cedar Point!   9. Embracing Emotional Wellness at Gannon University Embracing Emotional Wellness at Gannon University   8. The Psychology of […]

Preserving your mental health through the stress of finals season

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The atmosphere around this time at most college campuses is one of high stress and busy bodies. This goes for professors and students! It is difficult not to get wrapped up in it and keep a healthy perspective, but taking care of yourself and stepping back to live in the moment is something that is […]

REDACTED: I go to counseling. So what?

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I go to counseling. Some may know this about me, but others may take this as a surprise. After all, you wouldn’t suspect an editor-in-chief of a student-run publication who is a member of a leadership group, president of an honors organization and very active in his community to go to counseling. And yet, that’s […]

Don’t panic!

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As of last night, I have had exactly two panic attacks in my life. The first one displayed the normal symptoms: shortness of breath, a racing heart and feeling faint. Yesterday’s attack was much more serious. I woke up with this overwhelming sense of dread that failed to leave my stomach for the rest of […]

Expressing wellness through art

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One of Gannon’s best-kept secrets is the Schuster Art Gallery, located on the top floor of the Nash Library, featuring pieces by both student and community artists throughout the year. Currently at the Schuster Gallery is an exhibit titled, “The Art of Well-Being,” sponsored by Stairways Behavioral Health and created by Center City Arts. Stairways […]

Theatre impacts the heart and mind

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By the time you all get to read this, another show at the Schuster Theatre, “The Children’s Hour,” will have come and gone. But its impact will linger on. Warning: Spoilers and thoughtful subject matter just ahead. “The Children’s Hour” takes place at a girl’s boarding school in the 1930s. When one of the girls […]

Taking an active approach to mental health

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Chances are someone you know – whether it be a friend, a family member, or a coworker – has dealt with mental illness. In fact, one in four people will experience a mental health issue at some point in their life. But even though these issues are so prevalent, there still exists a stigma against […]

Peace of Mind: More Ways to Use Your Gannon Degree

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Mary Anne Albaugh, M.D. ’82 & Dennis P. Borczon, M.D. ’82 Health Sciences I (Mary Anne) completed my residency and fellowship training at Hahnemann University in Philadelphia in general psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry, respectively, and am board certified in both.