#DormHacks: DIY tips for campus living

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Living in a 15’x15’ box with another person is a huge adjustment when moving to college as a freshman. Most of us are used to having our own rooms, privacy in the bathroom and a full kitchen to cook our meals. Here are some tips and tricks to conquer your new home away from home. […]

Tips for Housing Selection

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Just when you’re starting to get comfortable with your living situation, housing selection time creeps up on you. You’ve barely got a handle on all the things going on this semester and now you have to start thinking about the next one. Housing selection comes with lots of questions, but luckily, I’m here to help […]

Residence Life offers roommate advice

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Living with a roommate can be a rewarding and enlightening experience. But when music blares past midnight and dishes pile up in the sink, the claws come out. Like all aspects of college, it is not without its challenges and solutions. Conor Grey, a senior pre-med major, is familiar with the more common problems that […]

These things and their names

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Signing the lease for my first apartment is one of those pivotal adult moments I’ve had on my checklist for years. It’s right up there between meeting Lance Bass and doing a back flip as one of the things that will make me a fully quantifiable adult. But once the paperwork was finished and I […]