Album Reviews

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Ruminations: Conor Oberst – 3.5/5     The word “rumination” means deep thought and consideration, which is exactly what Conor Oberst put into his most recent album. Released on October 14th, Ruminations is Oberst’s 10th solo album. The entire album is recorded using only a guitar, piano, and harmonica. Furthermore, he has never been known […]

Standing by my words; Dealing with opposing opinions

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I knew this was coming; it was bound to happen. After two years of writing, the moment I had been waiting for finally occurred. Someone verbally confronted me about something I wrote. Now, I know what you’re thinking, and yes, the above part was partially a half-joke. First of all, it was not nearly as […]

How I became the fastest kid in school

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I always enjoyed writing, but never considered myself a writer. This was a trend that followed me throughout both elementary and middle school, coincidentally overlapping with a newfound passion for music.  I have always followed my brother’s footsteps, from the Christmas he burned me his entire Weezer collection, to the day I bought my first […]

Review: Special Explosion self-titled album

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Special Explosion – Special Explosion   4.5/5 Indie label Topshelf Records’ latest addition to their family is Special Explosion, a talented group of artists that have somewhat changed my entire outlook on music for several reasons. In just nine songs in 34 minutes, Special Explosion have grouped together their past EP’s for one self-titled compilation, […]