White Snake: (One of) My Last Shows at Gannon

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I cannot say this is my last show at Gannon as a student as I will be here for an extra semester, but this is one of them (depending on how hectic student teaching is). This semester, I was an acolyte and in the ensemble for Mary Zimmerman’s “White Snake.” This was the show where my […]

Theater Opportunities in Erie for College Students

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When I was in high school I came up with the brilliant idea of double majoring in Middle Level Education and Theater. When searching for schools, I wanted to find a school which had a lot of theater opportunities. On Gannon’s website, it said that there were a ton of theater opportunities in the Erie […]

Look into the Past: The (Old) Gannon Theatre

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Look into the Past takes old photos from Gannon’s archives and revisits their present-day locations. Feel free to visit the original post for more information. The old Gannon Theatre sat on what is now known as Friendship Green. The building was torn down in 1994. The theatre department moved to the current-day Schuster Theatre, located […]