In the fall of 2011, the sport and exercise science department and Exercise Science Club were charged with developing healthy recipes using ingredients traditionally found in the food banks and pantries within Gannon’s Erie-Gannon Alliances to Improve Neighborhood Sustainability (Erie-GAINS) outreach area. Through this experience, an identified lack of two common food products became apparent. […]
Every year on campus, Gannon participates in Hunger and Homelessness Week, a week on campus to raise awareness for those in need in our community. This year, Gannon joined hands with Catholic Charities and Second Harvest Food Bank to create a great new experience for students and the community. Each on campus organization had the […]
Edge and The Gannon Knight are teaming up to bring you periodic headlines from Gannon’s student-produced weekly newspaper. Check out this article by The Gannon Knight’s Tessy Pawlowski to see how Gannon is going green. The Gannon Goes Green committee wants everyone on campus to get manic about recycling. Recyclemania – the countrywide recycling initiative […]
As part of our Catholic identity and Gannon’s mission, all students are encouraged to spend some time each semester volunteering. There are even some classes that require a certain number of volunteer hours for a grade. Here are 10 easy ways to help others in your spare time.