Balancing schoolwork, extracurricular activities and a job can be quite the juggling act – but many students at Gannon are willing to take on the challenge. College is a time of making new friends, learning new things and ultimately preparing for the future. One way students experience the responsibilities of the future is by holding […]
When preparing for college, organizing finances probably falls somewhere below buying towels on an incoming freshman’s priority list – but it deserves more thought than linens. Taking care of finances before coming to college is essential, said Renee Huefner, assistant director of financial aid at Gannon. Many local banks may not have branches in Erie, […]
Renee Huefner, assistant director of the Financial Aid office, answers your financial aid questions. What is financial aid? Financial aid is really a broad term. It’s used to describe any type of funding that a student can receive to help pay for college. That includes grants, which are typically need-based; scholarships, based on merit or […]