Students, staff weigh in on off-, on-campus housing

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A question is proposed – mainly to the upperclassmen – if they should live in Gannon University-owned apartments or not. Denise Bakerink, director of Student Living, said she has a few ideas for why students may choose to seek lodgings off-campus. “My guess is the cost, but I’m not sure that’s the reality of this […]

Calling All Freshmen: Enter Edge’s “GU Cribs” Contest!

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Now that our freshman class has had a chance to settle in and customize their living spaces, we’re hosting a contest to find the best freshman room on campus. Freshman residents of Wehrle, Finegan and North Hall can enter by emailing a photo of their bedroom to by Friday, September 30, 2011. And it’s […]

Prep U for GU: What Not to Pack

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So you’re getting ready for college, and packing is — of course — an important step. You’ve probably looked around your room to identify what is essential to bring with you (and if you’re like some college students — myself included — everything seems essential). Sometimes, though, it’s easier to identify what not to bring […]