Don’t rain on my parade (just hire me!)

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The word(s): don’t rain on my parade Even though I’ve got a few years before graduation, I sometimes like to poke around job search engines. Why so early? Whether I’m watching the news or standing in line at Wegman’s, I hear phrases like “in this economy” or “with the job market so bad,” or my favorite, “the […]

Trampled by the season

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The word(s): The (real) most wonderful time of the year November is my favorite month. For me, November means comfort food – mashed potatoes and gravy, apple pie, peppermint hot chocolate. It means fleece jackets and fuzzy toe socks and electric blankets. And with the biting chill of winter, November brings television sweeps, during which […]

Sleepless in Erie

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The word: sleep Remember that saying about early to bed, early to rise? How it makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise? I’m not sure about the wealthy aspect, unless you’ve signed up for some kind of sleep experiment. But I absolutely recognize that a good night’s rest keeps grades up and sickness at bay. […]

Finding inspiration in New York City

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And the first word of the 2012-2013 academic year: luck. The last time you heard from me, I was desperately seeking summer employment in my hometown. To make a dull story short, I landed a job as a cashier at Staples and spent the next few months scanning carts full of back-to-school supplies. And while […]