The Edge Podcast – Episode 3: Ryan Hamilton on Stress Relief Tea, Semi-Vegetarianism and Incredible Travels

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Meet Ryan Hamilton, one of the most involved students on campus! Listen to hear about his favorite college experiences, egg bombs, Disney songs, and who he would invite to hypothetical brunch! Ryan introduces me to stress relief tea, semi-vegetarianism, and other tips to maintaining health and sanity in trying times! Why do Ryan and I have […]

Shrimp pasta recipe (for the Lenten season)

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Lent is a time of sacrifice for Catholics in preparation of Easter. As an act of penance, most Catholics refrain from eating meat every Friday during Lent. If you’re used to eating meat, abstaining from your carnivore habits during this time might be difficult. You might get stuck in a bland grilled cheese and tomato […]

Breaking vegan edge

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See, I’m not quite sure how to sum up a year of my life in 500 words. I stopped eating meat at the beginning of 2013 – cold turkey. (Pun completely intended.) I was told that there was no way I could do it; I ate too much chicken. So I proved that person wrong, […]