March for Life

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One mile is not too far of a walk. From the Bayfront Parkway to 14th Street is one mile, if one travels straight down State Street. 10 laps around a standard track is usually one mile. But when you’re marching this one-mile stretch of land with 700,000 other people at the same time, it’s a […]

Ms. Shernisky goes to Washington

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So if you haven’t heard — or seen my mom’s dozens of proud Facebook posts — I’m spending the spring semester in Washington, DC. Through an organization called the Washington Center, about 400 other college students and I obtained internships, housing and academic programming in the nation’s capital.   It’s a really diverse group of […]

Alumna making history on Capitol Hill

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As cliché as it might sound, Gannon University was the best thing to ever happen to my life, both personally and professionally. I grew up in a tiny town outside of Pittsburgh and was always involved in after-school activities at my high school. However, after I got to Gannon, I became extremely involved in numerous […]

Gannon students gaze into the future

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With all the exams and projects that comprise college life, it’s easy for students to lose sight of what they’re working toward. Some, however, have a clear picture in mind. In five years, they see themselves… Jared Schaaf, freshman history/pre-law major: …continuing my education here at Gannon. I will be working hard to pay for […]

An expedition to the Embassy for a passport to Paris

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I hope you all had a great Christmas break! I really enjoyed my time at home with my friends and family. Over break, I got to take two little trips to visit friends and finish up some last-minute details for my trip in February. While my first trip, to Cleveland, was a lot of fun, […]