How to deal with homesickness

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Moving away from home in any situation is hard to deal with. No matter how excited you are, you will more than likely experience homesickness at one point in your life. Today I will be sharing a few tips on how to deal with homesickness.   Don’t be too hard on yourself Oftentimes, people will […]

Dorm Projects

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Being stuck in your dorm with nothing to do is the absolute worst – especially when it is  minus 25 degrees outside here in Erie! Whether you are bored or stuck in your dorm, there is always that thought of “What can I do in here?” Today, I am here to give you a few […]

5 ways to improve your study skills

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Since coming here to Gannon University, I have noticed that my friends and I needed to improve our studying skills. It took me a little bit to get on track with all of the different ways, but I finally found 5 ways that greatly improved my study skills and I figured I’d share them with […]