Meet a Golden Knight: Dr. Walter Iwanenko Part 2 (Rocket Fire)

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For this week’s Meet a Golden Knight series, meet the eighth president of Gannon University, Dr. Walter Iwanenko. In early June, we sat down with Dr. Iwanenko to learn about his personal journey that has led him to becoming a university president and got a glimpse into his aspirations for the university’s future. Watch a […]

Meet a Golden Knight: Dr. Walter Iwanenko Part 1

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For this week’s Meet a Golden Knight series, meet the eighth president of Gannon University, Dr. Walter Iwanenko. In early June, we sat down with Dr. Iwanenko to learn about his personal journey that has led him to becoming a university president and got a glimpse into his aspirations for the university’s future. Watch a […]

Meet A Golden Knight: Carine Munezero Uwase

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Rwandan computer science and software engineering major Carine Munezero Uwase is striving to provide voice for fellow Knights through her role as an Integrated Marketing Influencer. On and off campus, Carine channels her passion for service and storytelling to make an impact in communities around her. She is actively creating and seeking out opportunities for […]

Meet A Golden Knight: Caonabo Camilo

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Caonabo Camilo is a senior Psychology major passionate about advocacy and community outreach. On campus, Camilo is exploring their passions and helping fellow Knights find resources and community as a president of the LGBTQA+ club – The Queer Collective. Part of their role as a president of the club is to help foster welcoming spaces […]

Meet A Golden Knight: Gwen Ciletti-Dougherty

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Gwen Ciletti-Dougherty is a senior public health major with a double minor in psychology and biology at Gannon University. On and off campus, Gwen channels her passion for service and for health care system to make an impact in communities around her. She is currently a student worker at the Gannon Covid testing lab where […]

Meet A Golden Knight: Joseph Pfleger

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Through his passion for leadership, Joseph is ensuring that his peers’ needs are heard on campus. Joseph Pfleger is a Finance and Pre-law student at Gannon University. Throughout his life, Joseph has pushed himself and gotten involved in the communities around him. Now through his passion, he serves as a president of the Student Government […]
Jade Hammerer

Meet A Golden Knight: Jade Hammerer

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Jade Hammerer is a legal studies and history double major from Baltimore Maryland. By getting involved in a range of campus activities and organizations, Jade has built strong networks and is working hard to make her mark on campus and the world. Watch a full video of the conversation we had with her on this […]