We started our last couple days earlier than normal. We got up about an hour earlier than normal, ate breakfast as a group, then we were off to join the core members at the El Arca workshop for the day!

El Arca Workshop

The El Arca core members go to the workshop during the day to learn skills of their choice. There are different “teams” at the workshop including carpentry, jewelry making, cooking, baking, and painting. Both days, some of us helped to clean up the workshop, while others helped with cooking and baking.

Kitchen and Baking

Here are some photos from the kitchen!

Yesterday we made some yummy quesadillas for lunch at the workshop.

Today for lunch at the workshop, we made some tacos dorados with salsa verde and guacamole on the side.

As a token of gratitude, we were given a tub of cookies from the workshop!


In the workshop, jewelry is handmade by the members and made available for purchase. All of us purchased either a necklace, bracelet, or even both!

Here are some pictures of the jewelry making station and a final product.


Here are some pictures of the gallery in the workshop and some work-in-progress paintings!

The final product of each painting is available to be printed on a mug, tumbler cup, or coaster. The items are then made available for purchase!


Yesterday, the members in the workshop were working on making sliding boxes to hold mescall and tequila.

Here are some of the members of the carpentry team at the workshop!

José’s Book!

José has cerebral palsy and is nonverbal. This makes it extremely difficult for him to communicate with those around him. This week we made it our mission to put together a communication book and today we gave it to him!


Today the members of El Arca held a closing ceremony for us as we are approaching our last couple days here in Mexico. We gathered in the courtyard with all the core members and assistants where Aracelli and Aura spoke a few last words to our whole group and they shared their gratitude and appreciation for our service and friendship. It was a very bittersweet moment that we will all cherish forever. We were then able to take photos and spend some more time with the members before we left.

El Arca: www.arcaqueretaro.org

– Emmy, Nora & Natalie