Introducing Edge’s newest blog, “The Word,” by April Shernisky, Class of 2015. April is a journalism communications major from Hermitage, Pa. Her blog is inspired by her favorite “Colbert Report” segment of the same name.
Today’s word: déjà vu
I was eleven years old the first time I stepped foot on Gannon’s campus.
We were moving my brother into his dorm at Wehrle. The sun beat down on excited freshmen and the friendly upperclassmen who helped carry suitcases and storage bins into their new home.
I felt bad for the guys who got stuck lugging the heavy stuff, like my brother’s 90-pound television. That may be an exaggeration. Still, this was 2004. TV’s, stereos, computers – they were monstrous.
He didn’t know at the time, but my brother was about to embark on a journey that would lead him to an internship in Washington, D.C., a job at a congressman’s office, lasting friendships, law school and his wife – another GU alum.
At that moment, though, he was just an 18-year-old boy, maintaining that annoying cool-guy facade to cover his anxiety. While he and his roommate were at scheduled activities, my mom and I fixed up his space.
We looked around the room, assessing our finished work.
“Someday this will be you,” she said with a faintly sad smile.
She was more right than she realized.
Flash forward seven years and a similar scene played out. Advanced technology meant that the upperclassmen weren’t handed such bulky loads, but the anticipation, the nervous energy and the organized chaos were identical. I, too, was the same – older, taller, but still very much in awe of this place. I couldn’t believe it was my turn.
Since my own move-in day, I’ve gotten to know some spectacular professors and fellow students. I’ve become involved with 90.5 WERG, the newspaper and, of course, Edge. It’s been a blast. And – since this is college, after all – I get to wear sweatpants to class. Yeah, college rocks.
My story isn’t the same as my brother’s. We’re different people headed in different directions. Yet we both chose Gannon. I only hope to find the same success and happiness here that he did.
So far, so good.
In “Fresh Ideas,” Brianna Woods talks about her freshman experience. Get a feel for what its all about here.