Monday, January 26: It’s Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day! Go, ahead, pop some bubble wrap. You know you want to…
Tuesday, January 27: Celebrate Chocolate Cake Day by making a simple chocolate cake in a mug. Recipes are everywhere online and only require a microwave!
Wednesday, January 28: Interested in the T.R.A.V.E.L program? There will be an expo in Waldron 219 at 4:00 p.m. discussing 2016-2015 trip locations. Get to know trip facilitators and fellow students studying abroad!
Thursday, January 29: Happy Puzzle Day! Train your brain with any puzzle of your choosing!
Friday, January 30: Enjoy a weekend connecting with your spirituality by attending the Winter Retreat. Forms are available off of EngageU. The trip is set to take place at the Villa Maria Retreat Center.
Saturday, January 31: The annual Gannon Ski Trip sets off today. Don’t forget to buy your tickets on GUXpress for discounted tickets to the lovely Holiday Valley Ski Resort!