Monday, Nov. 3: If you have a talent for cake decorating, register to be a part of the 2014 Cupcake Wars. The event, sponsored by Advertising and Promotions Club, will take place Nov. 13, but registration is this week only in the Waldron Campus Center. If you think you’re the best cupcake decorator in all of Erie, sign up to compete!
Tuesday, Nov. 4: There will be a fundraiser at Molly Brannigan’s today from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. to benefit Active Minds. Be sure to print off a flier and eat some tasty food all while supporting a good cause!
Wednesday, Nov. 5: Do you like cute animals? Of course you do! Unfortunately, a lot of animals live in shelters. Alpha Phi Sigma, the criminal justice honor society, is holding a supplies drive on behalf of the ANNA (Association for Needy and Neglected Animals) Shelter. Simply download the flier on EngageU, buy stuff from the list and drop it off at the table in Waldron!
Thursday, Nov. 6: Oh, how the tables have turned. Today is Men Make Dinner Day! Guys, treat your girl to a nice home-cooked meal. She’s worth it.
Friday, Nov. 7: It’s Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day! Go ahead, indulge in a chocolate bar. It’s been a long week.
Saturday, Nov. 8: The best way to unwind during the weekend is by playing games! Gannon’s Gamers Guild will hold an event in the Waldron Game Room from 1-6 p.m. Come play some of your favorite video games or enjoy a classic board game, like Monopoly or Cards Against Humanity.
Sunday, Nov. 9: It’s International Tongue Twister Day! Say “she sells sea shells by the sea shore” ten times fast.