Monday, March 18: Voting in the SGA General Elections starts today. Be sure to stop by the SGA table in the Waldron Campus Center to cast your vote between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. today and tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 19: The Knight Club is offering a night dedicated to March Madness. Stop by anytime after 6 p.m. to eat some good food and cheer on your favorite college basketball teams!
Wednesday, March 20: Happy Advising Day! After meeting with your advisor to set up your schedule for next fall, stop by the Hammermill Center for the Mr. and Miss GU Pageant. This event, sponsored by Alpha Gamma Delta, features students from many on-campus organizations and supports the local Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Tickets are $5 at the door and the event starts at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 21: Easter is coming and there’s no better way to remind yourself of the solemnities of Lent than the Stations of the Cross. Check out the Living Stations tonight at 8:30 p.m. in Mary, Seat of Wisdom Chapel.
Friday, March 22: The Alumni and Senior Social will be held from 7-9 p.m. in Waldron 219. At this event, December, May, and August graduates will have the opportunity to socialize and network with Gannon alumni and their peers. If you are an interested senior, please RSVP to Hannah Feezle at
If you have an event you’d like to have featured here, email us at