10 Ways to Enjoy a Stress-Free Finals Week

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With finals week quickly approaching, we thought it was a good time to dole out some useful tips on how to stay stress free as the semester winds down. It’s wonderfully exciting to look forward to the classroom-free days of summer, but that can also make it hard to stay focused in school. Follow these […]

10 Ways to Explore Other Cultures in Erie

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Being an international student myself, I know how important it is to identify with places that feel like home and to try new things. Therefore, we present you with 10 ways to explore many cultures and satisfy your soul, spirit and stomach while you’re at Gannon. 10. Visit Happy Garden Chinese restaurant. Erie may not […]

10 Ways to Give Back While at GU

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As part of our Catholic identity and Gannon’s mission, all students are encouraged to spend some time each semester volunteering. There are even some classes that require a certain number of volunteer hours for a grade. Here are 10 easy ways to help others in your spare time.

10 Ways to Kill an Hour on Campus

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Chances are, you will have some spare time between classes or meetings. Instead of sitting idly around during those breaks, Gannon has several unique ways to kill an hour – which we’ve listed for you in no particular order 🙂

10 Ways to Embrace All Faiths at Gannon

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Gannon University strives to be a community where students can develop their faith and serve others. The university’s mission calls for a commitment to both the specific Roman Catholic tradition as well as the diversity of faith traditions present in students and faculty. Want to celebrate your faith at Gannon? Here’s 10 ways we celebrate […]

10 Ways We Bet You Didn’t Know You Could Get a Gannon Scholarship

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It’s no secret that college can be a financial burden on students and their families, but many schools – Gannon included – hit the mark on sending much-needed aid to students. If you’ve already applied for scholarships outside of Gannon, don’t think you’ve exhausted all routes for finding extra cash for college. The college itself […]