6 Places to Know as a Freshman

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Last year, I wasn’t very adventurous and stayed on campus most of the time. My best excuse was that I didn’t have a mode of transportation other than the bus, which was an endeavor I longed to avoid unless absolutely necessary. I admit I have only taken the bus twice. The first time, I had […]

Adventures out of the Shire

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Thank God that Christmas break is getting closer. Like every other person on campus I am very much anticipating the break. That’s not only because it’ll be the end of classes and exams – and possibly the world – but most importantly “The Hobbit” will finally be released. I will at last have the time […]

Relaxing in my last semester

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With my very last semester at Gannon underway, it has finally sunk in that this is it – the end of my time here at Gannon. And to be honest I’ve come to terms with it. I’m looking forward to moving on to a brand new phase in life and setting out on an exciting […]

1,000 Words: Photo Editor’s Final Edge Sunset

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One thing that I’m going to miss the most about leaving Gannon is the beautiful sunsets that occur on an almost nightly basis over Lake Erie. I’m sad to be graduating from a place that I’ve called home over the past four years. While the sun is setting on my time here at Gannon, I […]