A man with a plan

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Over 40 years ago, Bill Strickland took over the Bidwell Training Center, a rundown building without any windows located in an impoverished section of Pittsburgh. While others sat around taking bets on how long Strickland would last at the center, the Pittsburgh native set about to changing the culture at Bidwell with a fresh perspective […]

Killer rabbits, pigs blood, and old owl eyes come to the big stage

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As one chapter ends, another begins. And with “Legally Blonde: The Musical” soon coming to a close, so does the Erie Playhouse’s 2012-2013 season. But don’t be too sad, as this means that we are less than a month away from a brand new slate of musicals, plays, youth shows, and special events. Erie Playhouse […]

Dramashop: Theater in process

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This excerpt was from an article by former Edge contributor Alex Bieler, ’11, originally published in the Erie Reader on Apr. 1, 2013. It’s a chilly Tuesday night, one of those unsurprising Erie evenings when the weather doesn’t seem to want to cooperate with the average person’s wishes. Luckily, I’m indoors, where the room is warm and the […]

To Do List: “Chasing Ice”

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While many of us grumble and moan about winter’s extended stay into what – according to the calendar – should be the spring season, there are others that aren’t quite so eager to see everything melt away. In fact, when it comes to the issue of climate control, the idea of losing the ice and […]

You ought to know: Greg Ropp

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This article by Alex Bieler was originally published in the Erie Reader on Oct. 17, 2012. At the Eerie Horror Film Festival & Expo, familiar faces roam the halls of the Warner Theatre. These faces aren’t from people that you’ve met in real life, however. Instead, they’re the inhabitants of your favorite films, the authors of those […]

Playing (and Writing) for the Love of the Game

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A few months back, I picked up the beat for Gannon University’s softball team at our school newspaper, The Gannon Knight. For the entirety of the softball season, I reported on the team. The whole process left me with quite a few striking quotes, especially from Tom Jakubowski, the team’s amicable and wonderfully honest head […]

CLICK-WORTHY: Useful (and Random) Links from Nicole Dohoda

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As the end of the semester approaches, and the workload teachers are assigning seems never-ending, sometimes all you need is a quick, stress-free study break to get your focus back. Here is a pre-packaged break just for you — put down your textbook and check out a few of these links — you deserve a […]

Athletics and Academics Balanced in D-II

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During basketball season, I alternated working at the scorers table and behind the live feed camera. At the start of every game, everybody would stand for the national anthem. Turning to my right, I always noticed the same thing – a simple blue and white NCAA banner with the phrase “I chose Division II.”

Many Different Jerseys, Just One Team

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Whenever I look back on my earliest days at Gannon University, I’m always amazed by the tiniest of details that really impacted how my last four years have gone. From the location of a freshman dorm room to the singing of a certain song, the little things can truly modify someone’s experience. For example, I […]