Fair Trade Sale to be held Friday

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Students will be given the opportunity Friday to do some guilt-free shopping for Christmas presents — or themselves — thanks to the annual Fair Trade Sale. Gannon University’s Catholic Relief Service ambassadors are hosting the sale at the Waldron Campus Center as part of their goal to increase fair trade products available on campus. Sara […]

PA student’s summer packed with service, study abroad

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Katelyn Przybyszewski, a fifth-year student in Gannon’s physician assistant program, was pretty busy over the summer. Immediately after graduation, Katelyn took a service trip with campus ministry to Glenmary Farm in Kentucky. For the duration of the trip, the group completed different projects, including yard work, food pantry and interacting with people with intellectual disabilities. […]

Spring break service: Descanso de primavera de servicio en El Salvador

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The semester is just flying by. Gannon students are back from spring break and (hopefully) refreshed, rejuvenated and ready for the second half of the term. Some students went home to spend time with family and friends, some went on a well-deserved vacation and other students, like me, went on a different kind of adventure. […]

[VIDEO] Students prepare for unique spring break plans

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The Gannon community is preparing for Alternative Break Service Trips (ABST). Sponsored by GU’s Campus Ministry, these trips are great opportunities for students to give back to various communities and to better themselves as leaders. In years past, participants have traveled to the Bronx, Honduras, New Orleans and Guatemala, working with the homeless, building schools […]

GUEST BLOG: Snorkeling in the Sun For College Credits

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Shernelle James is a sophomore biology/pre-dental major from St. Croix, Virgin Islands. She works in Gannon’s Admissions Office as a friendly KnightCaller (you may even get a call from her some time checking in about your college search). Shernelle recently took a trip to the beautiful Bahamas on a Gannon alternative spring break trip and took […]

Students Prepare for Alternative Break Service Trips

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Senior biology major Amanda Stolz said she commits her spring breaks to service trips so she can “pay it forward.” Junior communication arts major Beth Gaertner said she serves to learn about the issues that might not have a big impact on her life but will greatly impact someone else’s life. Gaertner and Stolz will […]

10 Ways to Give Back While at GU

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As part of our Catholic identity and Gannon’s mission, all students are encouraged to spend some time each semester volunteering. There are even some classes that require a certain number of volunteer hours for a grade. Here are 10 easy ways to help others in your spare time.

Students Get Global Experience Through Spring Break Service

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Every year, Gannon University students get the chance to celebrate the beginning of the spring season for a week in whichever way they choose. Some take road trips, some travel home to see family and still others choose to make a difference in the global community by taking part in Gannon’s Alternative Break Service Trips, […]

J-School Cool: Queen of the Kitchen Combats Stress

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Finals week is fast approaching, meaning my to do list grows while my time spent sleeping dwindles. Nevertheless, I try to make time to keep my wits about me (I am a columnist and blogger, after all) by spending time doing something I love: cooking. Perhaps the “Queen of the Kitchen” headline is misleading – […]