Technology: Life Enhancing or Inhibiting? Probably Both.

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Evolution is a funny thing. It can change things rapidly – or so slowly – that you don’t even realize it. Technology is a lot like evolution. It can swing one of two ways, either it can rapidly progress or it can move at turtle speeds. Cellphones fall under the category of rapid. Over the […]

Blog: Brace Yourselves

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As Thanksgiving break is quickly approaching, I would like to take a moment and mention what I am most thankful for. I am thankful for all the exams I have had, not only this week, but all of next week as well. I am thankful for my family for going on vacation without me. Lastly, […]

My life as a Roman Emperor

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In this week’s edition of REDACTED, I talk about a time I was (read as: performed as) a Roman Emperor and the real-life application of Laban movement in everyday life! Acting has a lot of basis in real life, and application in a variety of industries. And yes, this photo is of me as Tiberius: […]

Keep On Keepin’ On: I am crazy

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I am crazy. Here I am, sitting at my computer, listening to Weezer and eating crackers. If I were on exhibit right now, the tour guide would say something along the lines of, “And right here, ladies and gentlemen, we have a young college student in her natural habitat. It’s a rare occasion to see […]

Pre-Occupied: Practical pandemonium

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One of the most challenging aspects of being a junior occupational therapy student is the introduction of practical examinations to our curriculum. Granted, all the OT students had anatomy practicals their sophomore year, but those weren’t exactly on the same caliber as the exams you take in your junior year neurological rehabilitation class. The practicals […]

7 inspiration tips

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Here’s a little-known fact about me: I have the hardest time thinking of article ideas. At the Edge Magazine staff meetings, I dread the moment when Managing Editor Michael Haas points at me and asks my ideas for features for the following week. I suppose I’ve just been feeling very “blah” and uninspired recently. I […]

The people you leave behind: Siblings and college

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Over the course of four years living away from home to go to school, you tend to grow up. You not only get older, but you have experiences that can’t be replicated as a high school student or while living at home. You mature, you gain a better understanding of the world around you and […]

A big time to recruit a little

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When you make the decision to join a Greek organization on campus, you never have to do anything on your own. In the beginning period before your formal initiation, you have a whole group of other new members to experience everything with. Those people will quickly become some of your best friends, through your shared […]

Filling my blank slate

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Tabula Rasa In Latin, tabula rasa literally translates to “blank slate,” referring to wax tablets used by ancestors to take note or record information. When needed, these tablets would be heated and reformed so that the wax was completely clear of all former impressions.  In philosophy, it refers to the theory that the mind is […]