Fresh perspective for my sophomore year

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This is a bittersweet time of the year for me. For the last fourteen years, August has always been “the start of the year.” It’s been exciting and depressing for many reasons. I’m always excited to start school, but it always makes me sad to know that I’ll be spending less time with my friends. […]

My poolside scholarship search

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Summer is about half-way over for Gannon-Goers right about now and what do I have to show for it? I’ve made a little money waitressing at Luigi’s, I’ve made some good memories with my friends from home and I’ve been applying for as many scholarships as I can. I’m currently lounging by the pool on […]

Return to home initially “less than nostalgic”

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I’ve been home for awhile now. In that time, I’ve been working as a waitress, hanging out with friends from home and even took a trip to NYC – but a lot happened before any of that. As I was leaving campus, I said goodbye to classmates, packed up my room and about six boxes […]

Finding calm during the finals countdown

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There are approximately four days left of school, and it feels like I just walked on campus last week. While I’m very excited for school to be over, I’m totally terrified. I have five finals, three presentations, too much on my plate and one very important research paper to do – all before the end […]

Seniors look back at the last four years

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As graduation approaches, seniors are reflecting on their time at Gannon. With countless experiences and memories behind them, we wanted to know, “What is one thing that Gannon has given you?” Shane Braendel, business management major: Manhood – I have definitely grown up in these four years. I became a man.

Gannon students gaze into the future

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With all the exams and projects that comprise college life, it’s easy for students to lose sight of what they’re working toward. Some, however, have a clear picture in mind. In five years, they see themselves… Jared Schaaf, freshman history/pre-law major: …continuing my education here at Gannon. I will be working hard to pay for […]

What are your plans for spring break?

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The warm weather in Erie is making many students anxious for spring break, even though it is still three weeks away. Here’s what several students are planning to do with their time off: Samantha Heller, freshman chemistry/pre-pharmacy major: I’m spending my spring break working at my part-time job at Wegman’s – the greatest grocery store […]

Getting organized makes me a "Busy B."

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I’m well into my second semester of college and I’ve learned a few things – how to make healthy eating choices, share a room with another teenage girl and be more organized. All right, so maybe I’m actually still in the process of learning, but I’ve made great progress since I moved into Wehrle on […]

Testing limits in the final stretch

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As a freshman, I have recently experienced what has been the most testing time of my college life thus far, no pun intended. The final exams themselves aren’t really the most terrible part; the anticipation I have for them is much worse. These are professors you may not know very well giving you an exam […]

Top Posts of 2011: Editors’ Picks

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Yesterday, we ran down a list of the ten most popular Edge posts of 2011. Now, it’s our editors’ turn. Check out each editor’s picks for the top posts (and runners-up) of 2011. Did your favorites make the list?