Buzz About the Bee – Integration Bee with the Mathematics Department

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This advising day… students interested in free food, friendly competition – and calculus – have an event to look forward to this year on March 21, the Integration Bee. The integration bee is similar to a spelling be, but as opposed to spelling words, competitors will solve problems from integral calculus. For this reason, it […]

Engineering Experience: Conquer the World with Robots!

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Being an engineering major is like an easily tipped scale: most days, I like my major of choice. However, there are some days that feel like I’m in a constant uphill battle. I am sure many of you can relate to this. Between Calculus IV at 8 a.m. and a seemingly endless pile of homework, […]

Honors Program Bonds Bright Minds

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You may have heard about Gannon’s Honors Program – you may have even been told you qualify. But what does that mean for you? Does this mean exams more often? Is the workload more than it is for non-honors classes? Are specialized classes offered for each major? Are there extra classes students have to take […]