Greek Spotlight Series: Maria Hays

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Welcome to the Greek Spotlight series! My purpose is to show all of the positive aspects of the sororities and fraternities here on Gannon’s campus. With so many lovely men and women, there are a lot of people to talk about. This week, we meet Maria Hays. She is an English major with a professional […]

Six Ways to Save Money in College

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Do you really need that pizza at midnight? Do you really need to spend $10 on that really cool t-shirt – that you’ll only wear once? Chances are we have all asked ourselves these exact questions – and we have ignored our inner selves and bought the things anyway. Well, I have six really easy […]

Engagement Spotlight: APB

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Hey guys! This semester, I had the opportunity to connect with Dante Stefanelli, a junior accounting major! Dante is the current president of the Activities Planning Board (APB). What is APB? APB is that cool organization that is responsible for the plethora of fun programs that you see on campus. They are the organizers, planners […]

How I Chose My Thesis Topic

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For most majors, you have to write a thesis (a very scholarly  and lengthy paper with a presentation about something in your field). For those of you who do not know, I am a double major in education and theater. For education, I have to do student teaching instead of thesis, but I have to […]

Mario Kart With a Twist

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When I was in health class my freshman year of high school, I had the opportunity to wear “drunk goggles” (goggles that distort your senses so that it simulates what the world looks like when you are incredibly intoxicated) for the first time. I had a lot of fun wearing them as I clumsily walked […]

A Visitor’s Guide to Knight Tower Temporary Library

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There are many exciting changes happening on campus this semester, and one of the most prominent of these changes is the renovation of the Nash Library. Renovations started over the summer and should be completed by 2018. While Nash is being renovated, the temporary location for the library is in the newly acquired Knight Tower on 131 West […]

Gabe’s Observations

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Being a 19-year-old freshman in college, I have experienced many new and interesting things in my first year of school here at Gannon University. These experiences have been fun, interesting and weird.  When asked to do a recurring piece for Edge, I couldn’t think of what to write about. Should I write about my experiences […]

The Top 5 Underrated Places on Gannon’s Campus You Should Know

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  There are many places on Gannon’s campus that everyone knows about. Surely you all know the library is the place to check out books and The Knight Club is a place to get food, but many places on campus have other not-so-obvious uses. Gannon’s campus also has many hidden gems with both expected and […]

How To: Mentally Prepping for School

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I spent my summer working at a day camp. When I wasn’t pouring Kool-Aid or playing tag with 10 year olds, I was commiserating with my other college-aged counselors about the inevitable return to school. We were each in different academic years and majors, but it seemed that we all had the looming stress of […]