11 Things You Realize Going into Your Senior Year

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It feels as though just last year I was a freshman in college. I wish that I could say that I was better prepared for how quickly these few years were going to move by but in truth I wasn’t. Just like all good things, college too must come to an end. As I approach […]

Interning Now Helps Your Job Prospects Later

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From college to the “real-world,” there is no telling where you will go, what you will achieve and how you will do it. A lot of students, however, don’t enter the real-world known as their preferred industry workplace. According to Pew Research, 44% of college graduates in the U.S. are currently working in jobs that […]

Study Abroad: Living the Dream…And Finding the Dream Job!

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How to spin your international experiences into career opportunities…. At Gannon University, we offer long and short term study abroad opportunities. For a semester or summer abroad, Gannon has partner universities in nine countries with affiliates worldwide. If you can’t fit a whole semester into your schedule, then GIFT (faculty-led travel) Courses are another way […]

Now’s the best time to find a summer internship! Here’s how.

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Congratulations, you’ve made it through another semester. Whether you are a senior coming up on your last hoorah or a sophomore who has finally gotten the hang of things, your winter break is a much needed, much welcomed, few moments of rest. Don’t sleep too much and miss out on your chance to get a […]

VIDEO: How to get the job

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With the help of Career Development and Employment Services, our social media manager, Marisa, learns how to prepare for a job interview. Visit the Career Development and Employment Services’ website: http://ww4.gannon.edu/depts/cdes/

Wordplay in the workplace

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On Nov. 3, 2010, I published a blog here on Edge called “Wordplay: I Love My Major, Write or Wrong.” More than two years later, I’m happy to report that this statement still holds true (if you substitute “Job” for “Major,” that is). I graduated from Gannon in the spring of 2011 with a degree […]

Summer reading helps with "Getting Things Done"

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“You can do anything, but not everything.” This quote has been running thought my head for the past week. To me, it’s inspiring. It reminds me that we don’t have forever. We are given a finite amount of time to do all the things we want to do. Behind this quote is David Allen, a […]